Artwork collage including: James Woods caricature, illustration piece from senior project, and an outer space and rollercoaster painting

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Star Trek T-Shirts, Prints, and Sculptures

Having difficulties with images for some reason, so you'll be even more surprised when you go to my Etsy shop and Ebay and see what I've been up to!

It's been awhile, but as always no shortage of art to share. I have a few images, including these,  available on my Etsy page. You can purchase some prints and also T-shirts! #leonardnimoy #startrek #spock #kirk #williamshatner #painting # sale #tshirt #prints #enterprise #starship #sculpture #poster #startrekthevoyagehome #whales #vulcan #ocean #water 

Spock Wall Sculpture

Available for auction on Ebay:

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Harold Ramis / Egon Spengler Digital Caricature


Long time no post! Sorry about that! The time since the last post has been odd- graduated college, spent a year searching for jobs while doing sporadic commissions, and finally have a part time job now- hardly related to art- but am able to still slowly do commissions on the side while able to painstakingly pay off those college loans.

Well that has nothing to do with my latest art post but I have finally finished a digital piece using my newly acquired used Cintiq off So much fun and since I have a limited tight workspace, its easier to work with than having paint splatter everywhere! I do still love paint however, and I have noticed that my digital work lacks in a certain richness that my paintings have. But I hope you enjoy this!

I will try to update my blog, pictures, and links in the near future. For now I have two links: one to my deviant art portfolio

and one to my Etsy page which is now home to my custom-made giant stuffed plush dragons, and I mean GIANT!

As for this image- I don't even know why but I have felt another bout of inspiration after the passing of Harold Ramis. I grew up on all of his movies without even knowing the brains behind them, and I always had a soft spot for Egon Spengler and Russell Ziskey. Along with the recent death of Robin Williams, this is one thing I just can't fathom. They were such constants! Such rocks on which comedy and movies we grew up on were built, and now like all things we thought were going to be around forever, are not. But like many, I stand behind the phrase "EGON but not forgotten." And it helps them seem a little bit closer.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


For those interested in seeing my most recent work, or most recently uploaded work, I have been more focused on Deviant Art @ . Also my Etsy website has been taken down, but I plan to "renovate" it soon, and move away from the jewelry and sell paintings and plush toys instead.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Rainforest and Hidden UFO's

This was done in Illustration III. I am currently in VI. It's an 8" by 10" on bristol paper. Most of my work is in acrylic, but our assignment was specifically to use gouache. Gouache IS EXPENSIVE, but it is very fun to work with. The color is amazing, you can get incredibly crisp lines, ANY color will go over ANY OTHER color if at the proper consistency, so one layer is all you need! Plus, you can re-wet the paint again after it dries on your palette!

Planet Scape

This is a 24" by 48" acrylic painting. It started as a doodle in my composition class last Spring, and this past summer I started working on it. Only recently did I finish it- brightening the planets, and painting the mountains.