Artwork collage including: James Woods caricature, illustration piece from senior project, and an outer space and rollercoaster painting

Monday, November 5, 2012

Senior Illustration Project

On-going Senior Project (shown above: selected 4 of 7) Not in order
Total pieces anticipated: 17
Illustration IV-VI
Spring 2012- present
Acrylic/ Prismacolor pencil on either illustration board, canvas, or canvas board

Fire Dancers

Spring 2011
Media Techniques II
Acrylic and Sharpie on plywood

Guardian of Worlds

Spring 2010
Acrylic on old thick found paper

"Shipwrecked" Figure Drawing

Fall 2010
Figure Drawing III
Charcoal and watercolor wash on Tea/ Coffee/watercolor stained paper

T-Shirt Designs

T-Shirt Designs
Acrylic Paint/ Fabric Medium
Winter 2011-2012

Talkative Tigers Alliteration

Fall 2011
Illustration III 
Medium: Acrylic and Prismacolor Pencil
Alliteration: "Talkative tigers tell tickling tales while tasting tea."

Tropical Reef Bathroom Mural


Summer 2011
Medium: Acrylic and gloss finish
Time to complete: 40-45 hours

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Caricature of Alex G.

This was done in Media Techniques II about one and a half to two years ago. It was actually my first attempt at a full-blown acrylic caricature, and I never expected it to come out so well!