Artwork collage including: James Woods caricature, illustration piece from senior project, and an outer space and rollercoaster painting

Monday, January 21, 2013

Rainforest and Hidden UFO's

This was done in Illustration III. I am currently in VI. It's an 8" by 10" on bristol paper. Most of my work is in acrylic, but our assignment was specifically to use gouache. Gouache IS EXPENSIVE, but it is very fun to work with. The color is amazing, you can get incredibly crisp lines, ANY color will go over ANY OTHER color if at the proper consistency, so one layer is all you need! Plus, you can re-wet the paint again after it dries on your palette!

Planet Scape

This is a 24" by 48" acrylic painting. It started as a doodle in my composition class last Spring, and this past summer I started working on it. Only recently did I finish it- brightening the planets, and painting the mountains.