Artwork collage including: James Woods caricature, illustration piece from senior project, and an outer space and rollercoaster painting

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pastel Horse


I used pastel for this one also, just like the last post with the "Motorcycle Engine".  More and more I've been developing what others call "sickly" horses, but I see them as highly stylized, resembling the ones on ancient Greek vases.This was for my Media Techniques class last semester, and at this point we were also going over composition, more specifically the" Golden Ratio" of an image. In short, the ratio uses a sort of grid in which you can develop your image around  in order to make it more appealing to the eye, and to have it flow better. One example is using diagonals in the grid. Say you have a strong action in the image going up to the upper right- then you should at least counter it with an element that moves perpendicular to it, whether it be a line, and object, anything. There is no right or wrong way to use it, but it helps you keep in mind certain things that may help your image if it isn't working, or to help make it more powerful.

Motorcycle Engine Abstraction

This was a piece I did for my Composition class last semester. Most of the work for this class was abstract, but when my professor saw that my compositions and shapes were all pointing in a mechanical direction, he urged me to look at motorcycle parts for inspiration- being a motorcycle enthusiast himself. It was done in pastel, something I had long ago worked with, and not very successfully. It took only about 2 class periods, or 6 hours to complete (coloring, that is). The design was a separate matter. Pastel, I will have to say, is easier than paint in a way. It's easier to blend where you want it, just by using the tips of your fingers. You can mix the colors on the paper vs. the palette. Put a light contrasting color over another, you get a neutral and pushes it back instantly. It's messy and dusty, but a great medium to work with.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Star Trek III "Spock" Caricature

This is a drawing I did for the "Nimoy Fan Club" about a year or so ago.Yes, yet another Star Trek related image. I can tell you there's going to be a lot more where this came from. This is after I really got into and studied the MAD Magazine caricatures / comics by Mort Drucker. If you are into caricatures, look at his work! They are unique, and pinpoint key traits with simple yet interesting line work. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

New Bedford Standard Times Illustration

This is a piece I did for the Standard Times Newspaper in New Bedford, MA. Our illustration class at Umass Dartmouth was  given the task of creating an image to go along with an article on travel, specifically entailing the unexpected things that can happen when you travel. The best image of our class would be on the front page of the section. I battled with this composition until the very end, and then started painting at 3 or 5 pm the night before we presented it to the board. No pressure! I never expected to win it. But one morning, 1 in the morning  to be exact, a few weeks later, I got an email congratulating me. Mine had been chosen. Thankfully the newspaper  also included my classmates images in the rest of the section. Everyone did a great job!

Monday, October 1, 2012

James Woods Caricature

Anyone know James Woods? If he ever saw this and wanted it, I'd give it to him! Awesome, awesome actor! I did this caricature recently and I never expected such success on the very first try.  Before I started, I looked around on the internet to see if I could find any caricatures of Woods that had been done already, just to get ideas. I was surprised to find so few! So this began as a doodle without even looking at a picture. I just tried to imagine: what is the essence of James Woods?  And evidently my brain and my hands worked together this time and managed to create, what hopefully will be, a lasting impression and successful piece.