Artwork collage including: James Woods caricature, illustration piece from senior project, and an outer space and rollercoaster painting

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Motorcycle Engine Abstraction

This was a piece I did for my Composition class last semester. Most of the work for this class was abstract, but when my professor saw that my compositions and shapes were all pointing in a mechanical direction, he urged me to look at motorcycle parts for inspiration- being a motorcycle enthusiast himself. It was done in pastel, something I had long ago worked with, and not very successfully. It took only about 2 class periods, or 6 hours to complete (coloring, that is). The design was a separate matter. Pastel, I will have to say, is easier than paint in a way. It's easier to blend where you want it, just by using the tips of your fingers. You can mix the colors on the paper vs. the palette. Put a light contrasting color over another, you get a neutral and pushes it back instantly. It's messy and dusty, but a great medium to work with.

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