I used pastel for this one also, just like the last post with the "Motorcycle Engine". More and more I've been developing what others call "sickly" horses, but I see them as highly stylized, resembling the ones on ancient Greek vases.This was for my Media Techniques class last semester, and at this point we were also going over composition, more specifically the" Golden Ratio" of an image. In short, the ratio uses a sort of grid in which you can develop your image around in order to make it more appealing to the eye, and to have it flow better. One example is using diagonals in the grid. Say you have a strong action in the image going up to the upper right- then you should at least counter it with an element that moves perpendicular to it, whether it be a line, and object, anything. There is no right or wrong way to use it, but it helps you keep in mind certain things that may help your image if it isn't working, or to help make it more powerful.